Instructor Support Update – 15th May

Instructor Support Update – 15th May

Continued discussions with the DVSA
As we communicated following the Prime Minister’s address on Sunday 10th May, we reached out to the DVSA to understand the steps our Instructors and Trainees are expected to take in relation the Government’s latest advice.

Whilst we’ve maintained dialogue with various representatives at the DVSA, they have yet to announce an official response. As soon as we receive a formal update, we will share this information with you.

We have received and reviewed the Government’s Working safely during COVID-19 in or from a vehicle document created as guidance for employers, employees and the self-employed (11 May 2020). If you haven’t already seen it we would ask you to do so via the link –

Alongside this, the ADINJC (Approved Driving Instructors National Joint Council) recorded a helpful Facebook webinar following the Prime Minister’s update including featuring a Q&A session with Driving Instructors. Here is the link –

Key workers
We continue to receive questions on driving lessons for key workers. For clarity, for those that choose to:

  • Only teach a key worker who already has a test booked
  • Put up the “Teaching Key Worker” sign we’ve created for you
  • It is the pupil’s responsibility to prove their key worker identity

For more information on key workers here is a blog post we’ve created –  

Preparing for Post-Lockdown
The assessment of Personal Protective Equipment and other measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 remain our top priority in our planning efforts for post-Lockdown.

One aspect to assist this is increasing the general knowledge of the virus and prevention tips. A colleague in our Training Academy passed on a free online course by Virtual College titled “Prevent COVID-19”. We’ve found the course to be very helpful and in total it only takes 10-15 minutes to finish the multiple-choice questions. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate which is a good pupil engagement tool to share on your social media platforms.

Here is the link:

Colour our Car Competition
Thank you to everyone who has already shared our Colour our Car Competition, given the lockdown extension and notice that schools will re-opening at the earliest in June, we have done the same with the Competition. Entries are now accepted until midnight on 1st June 2020. Please can you all continue to share this with your friends, family and pupils. Here is the link to share

Instructor Support
As ever, we are here for you, do contact your Relationship Manager in the Instructor Support Team on 01765 643374 should you need any assistance.

We continue to do all we can to support our Instructors, Trainers, Trainees, Staff and Pupils and trust that you’re all staying safe.

Best wishes

Tom Hixon
Head of Instructor Support