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Refresher Driving Lessons

bill plant driving lessons

Refresher Driving Courses Local To You

Refresher Driving Lessons can be a great way for many drivers to improve their ability behind the wheel. In other areas of life if you are unsure about something or feel anxious and nervous you will seek out help and advice in order to complete your tasks. Driving should be no different.

There are numerous reasons each year which make qualified drivers decide to take refresher driving lessons to renew their knowledge. Perhaps, it has been some time since you were last in control of a vehicle and you need a few pointers to get you back out on the road and enjoying driving once more. Alternatively, like many UK Motorists, you could feel uncomfortable driving on motorways or driving in the dark.  Whatever your reason, Bill Plant Driving Instructors are on hand to offer support and guidance to help you get back on the road.

Refresher courses can also be a great way to re-learn the rules of the road. Since you passed your test there are likely to have been many changes to the DVSA driving regulations which you learnt to pass your test. Why not take a look at our Free Online Driving Theory Test and Hazard Perception Test to see if you still know everything you should?

What Do Refresher Driving Lessons Cover?

Just like a normal Driving Lesson, the point of the session is to help you work on what you need to.

If you feel nervous with motorway driving our Driving Instructors can help keep you calm and help you tackle the highway. Similarly, driving at night is avoided by many drivers who don’t feel confident in the dark. Your instructor can help shed some light on your darkness problems and your curfew for driving can be lifted.

Bill Plant Driving Instructors can assist you with:

  • Motorway Driving
  • Parking
  • Manoeuvres
  • Night Driving
  • Increasing Confidence

Driving Test Success

Why Choose Bill Plant Driving School?

Recommendations – You can trust our Driving Instructors as 96% of our pupils would recommend us to their friends and family.

Learn to Drive in Style – Take to the road in a brand new BMW or VW tuition vehicle.

Local Instructors – Many drivers lacking in confidence can turn to family and friends to help solve their problems. Our friendly instructors are based in your local to provide professional help and get you on the road sooner.

Flexible Lesson Times – Book refresher driving lessons at a time to suit you.

For more information on Refresher Driving Lessons with a Bill Plant Driving Instructor local to you, contact a member of our Driving School Customer Services Team.