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How to prepare for your Practical Driving Test

Most of the preparation for your practical driving test will take part during the course of your driving lessons. You’ll learn the controls of the car, the common situations you’ll encounter on the road, road signs and traffic control, how to act in certain situations, and exactly what to do when you see a Magpie during your test (don’t salute).

By the time your test comes around, you will be confident about driving your car and familiar with common road conditions and manoeuvres. Traffic signs will be your second language, and controlling the vehicle you will use for your driving test will be second nature.

Of course, we recognise that the real thing – being tested under stressful conditions – is a different kettle of fish altogether!

Mock Driving Test
That’s why we offer a full mock test at the exact same price as what you are currently paying for your hours worth of driving instruction.

Your instructor will take you through a full test schedule;
– Document Check & Verification
– Eyesight Test
– Show Me Tell Me
– Vehicle Safety Checks
– Pulling Off
– Unaided Driving with Only Directions Given
– Two Maneouvres
– Return to ‘Test Centre’
– De-briefing

This will be a great aid and will help familiarise you with the conditions under which you’ll be taking the test, helping you get used to respond to the instructions that your examiner will be giving to you, diluting any nervousness you have started to build up pre-test date, and giving you an understanding of where you currently stand in relation to passing your test, or needing just a few more lessons.

When you’re approaching your practical test, just speak to your driving instructor and they’ll be glad to make the arrangement to carry out a mock driving test. Don’t forget to research what you need to bring with you on your practical driving test. After the driving test, they’ll be able to help you understand what you might need to address ahead of the real thing and therefore increasing your chances of getting it right first time like thousands of learner drivers do each and every year with Bill Plant Driving Instructors.