Driving Lesson Safety

Driving Lesson Safety

Driving Lesson Safety

Safe and responsible driving is paramount to our pupils, Instructors and wider road users. All of our branded Bill Plant Driving School learner driver tuition vehicles are fitted with dual-controls ensuring the trained Driving Instructor can react accordingly to any lesson situation.

Driving Lesson Safety with Bill Plant Driving School

Pupil mistakes may occur and can be a part of the process of learning to drive, however by clearly having a visually distinctive vehicle, with the learner driver “L-plate” top-box alongside the dual-controls, this ensures any mistakes are minimised and immediately learned upon.

High quality trained driving instructors
As one of the largest Official Register of Driving Instructor Training (ORDIT) registered and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) regulated organisations in the UK, Bill Plant Driving School has a nationwide network of specialist and highly trained Driving Instructors.

Modern dual-controlled vehicles
Through teaching branded dual-controlled Volkswagen tuition vehicles, pupils will learn to drive in the safety and comfort of the best tuition vehicle in market.

“Fit and proper” person
All driving instructors at Bill Plant Driving School are fully licensed to teach by the DVSA. When registering to become a Driving Instructor each candidate must demonstrate they are a “fit and proper” person.

The (Approved Driving Instructor) ADI Registrar protects the integrity of the register and maintains the public’s confidence in the ADI industry.

What ‘fit and proper’ means:

  • The law says you must be a ‘fit and proper’ person.
  • The ADI Registrar interprets it as the personal and professional standards, conduct or behaviour required in the eyes of the public and other ADIs.
  • The ADI Registrar makes an assessment of the risk you’re likely to pose to the public.

Personal conduct
When deciding if you’re a ‘fit and proper’ person, the DVSA will check if you have:

  • Any motoring or non-motoring cautions, convictions or fixed penalty notices.
  • Been disqualified from driving.
  • Any court proceedings pending against you.
  • Been banned or barred from working with children under 18 years of age.
  • Had any substantiated complaints of inappropriate behaviour or misconduct.
  • Had any substantiated complaints for financially inappropriate or fraudulent activity..

Further to the above, Bill Plant Driving School operates a zero-tolerance policy for Sexual Harassment or Inappropriate Behaviour. All our Instructors, via their contracts with us, agree to this policy and have to maintain the highest standards to remain with our driving school.