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Key workers are not allowed driving lessons in Lockdown 3

The DVSA has confirmed to Bill Plant Driving School that they are not currently allowed as no lessons nor driving tests can be offered to critical/key workers during “Lockdown 3” and repeated the “stay at home” message from The Government.

Lessons and tests were also banned in the first national lockdown, aside from driving lessons for key workers who were required to drive for their jobs.

Driving lessons resumed in July 2020, though there was a significant backlog for those seeking lessons.

The DVSA did state they are keeping this decision on driving lessons and tests for key workers under review and will communicate with us if anything changes. Keep an eye on our social media platforms and this blog for further on this.

We hope that helps! Naturally, when it is safe to do so we will return offering driving lessons across England, Scotland and Wales. You can pre-book these lessons now by calling 0330 555 2254.

As ever, stay safe!